Ethics/Operating Procedures

Ethics/Operating Procedures

Ethics & Operating Procedures for the Amateur Radio Operator

by: John Devoldere / ON4UN

& John Demeuleneere / ON4WW

EDITION 3     June 2010

this is a pdf file and can be viewed by clicking on the following link:


DCCARC  would like to  encourage anyone who is a ham operator new or old to take the time to read this …. it is the best

article available  concerning what we all should know before we ever make the first contact on the air…


The author’s skills ,and personality, as well as his example of professionalism

and how a amateur radio operator and  dx’r properly conducts themselves on

the air …. is an example of what we all  should be doing to hold our service to the

highest level possible so that all may experience the joy of amateur radio.